Out on Bail By Bedlamite 3rd and last song of the Bedlam trilogy. (7/94) Wrapping up the Trilogy with some heavy tremors and Flange. Loud = OH YEAH!!! Your bass capabilities must be high. Future releases shall be quite interesting, with many new(ie my own) samples CC ->jimm@henson.cc.wwu.edu Again, for maximum performance, play this and the other 2 songs with ST3.01 or MDP. All 3 of these songs should be together in a music disk Many thanks to Future Crew For the great Tracker and Player. Way to go Sami :) RESOLUTION 3 of 3 "The silvery thing spun on on a steel rod planted in the bear's skull. Susannah's bullet struck it dead center and the radar-dish blew into a hundred glittering fragments. The pole itself was suddenly engulfed in a burst of crackling blue fire which reached out in a net and seemed to grasp the sides of the bear's face for a moment." "A spasm convulsed it, bowed its back. Its front claws rose and gored madly at its own face. Worm- infested blood flew and splattered. Then it fell over, making the ground tremble with its fall, and lay still. After all its strange centuries, the bear the Old People had called Mir--the world beneath the world--was dead." Steven King The Waste Lands The Dark Tower III